Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The VersaPulley!!!

Our latest addition to our list of equipment is the VersaPulley, http://www.versaclimber.com/VP_sport.htm .  It is a wonderful piece of equipment that allows us to create exercises horizontally with both eccentric and concentric loads.  This allows the athlete to produce huge amounts of power in a movement pattern that is typically difficult to get more than body weight loads.  It is excellent for anyone who moves laterally in their sport.  We are very excited about this addition to our already long list of equipment for sport.  Please see below the highlights of this equipment.

What Is VersaPulley?

VersaPulley is a high/low strength exercise pulley machine that combines speed, power and functional mobility through any range of motion with accommodating inertial resistance at any speed, just like sports. The VersaPulley was designed to enhance sport movement and athletic performance. The resistance used is based on patented MV² technology. This technology provides responsive resistance and a true stretch-shortening cycle for closed chain, multi-plane, multi-joint exercises as well as isolation or open-chain routines. MV² technology is a mechanism utilizing rotational inertia and an infinitely variable cam (cone). One can perform a vast array of exercises across the force-velocity spectrum ranging from high force and low velocity to high velocity and low force.

Who is using VersaPulley?

World-class athletes at Mark Verstegen’s Athletes’ Performance Training Centers in Tempe, AZ and Carson, CA. Verstegen are Director of Performance for the NFL Players' Association. He and his staff work with top athletes competing at the highest levels in football, basketball, baseball, soccer, hockey, and many other sports. Noted speaker and regular NSCA columnist Juan Carlos Santana uses the VersaPulley with his athletes and clients at the Institute of Human Performance in Boca Raton, FL. Additionally, other top professionals such as Mark Roozen in Fort Worth, TX are using the VersaPulley.

Train smart, have fun, and you will prevail!

Jacques DeVore, CSCS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cheers. Nice write-up. Had been searching for time. Longing for many more weblogs of your stuff later on.