With his thought-provoking article entitled "Are Carbs More Addictive Than Cocaine?", Paul John Scott explores of the most invasive yet silent addictions facing Americans today: Carbohydrates. "It has no use for the drama and the carnage you associate with cocaine and alcohol," Scott writes, "It's slower to show its hand, more socially acceptable - and way more insidious. "
In addition to causing cravings just like cocaine, carbohydrates wreak havoc of its own:
"Unlike cocaine, this does more than rewire your neurological system. It will short-circuit your body. Your metabolism normally stockpiles energy so you can use it as fuel later. A diet flush with carbohydrates will reprogram your metabolism, locking your food away as unburnable fat. When you get hungry again you won't crave anything but more of the same food that started you down the path to dependency. Think of this stuff as more than a drug—it's like a metabolic parasite, taking over your body and feeding itself."
"Unlike cocaine, this does more than rewire your neurological system. It will short-circuit your body. Your metabolism normally stockpiles energy so you can use it as fuel later. A diet flush with carbohydrates will reprogram your metabolism, locking your food away as unburnable fat. When you get hungry again you won't crave anything but more of the same food that started you down the path to dependency. Think of this stuff as more than a drug—it's like a metabolic parasite, taking over your body and feeding itself."
Read the entire article here.
Are you ready to finally kick the carb habit and have that body you've always wanted? Contact Titan at 805-683-1231 or info@titansb.com for a free trial workout and get started today!
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